Static Route Planning Documentation

This document describes the usage of the XTL API to calculate static TSPs, PDPs and VRPs.


Request Requirements

The base URL for all API requests is The API currently supports HTTP 1.0 and HTTP 1.1. Data send in POST and PUT requests needs to be encoded in JSON. Responses are always encoded in JSON.

The creation of a secure HTTPS connection is required for all requests. Only TLS 1.2 and a set of secure ciphers which offer forward secrecy are allowed:



Each API request needs to include authentication information (your API Key) in the HTTP Header field X-Api-Key.

API Endpoint for Static Route Planning

The following API endpoint can be used to calculate small to medium static TSPs, PDPs and VRPs.

POST /planning/static
X-Api-Key: 0123456789ABCDEF

The endpoint works synchronously, i.e. the request is blocked until the calculation is completed. Depending on the volume of data (number of orders and couriers/vehicles) and the complexity of the scenario, the calculation may take some time. It is therefore important not to use a timeout that is too short so that the request is not aborted too early.

In order to keep the response time as short as possible, do not calculate very large and complex scenarios with this endpoint.

The distinction between TSP, PDP and VRP is made implicitly by the data you send (orders and couriers/vehicles).

Request Body

The body of the HTTP request consists of a JSON object with the following properties:

Field Type Description
couriers Courier[] List of couriers
orders Order[] List of orders


    "couriers": [...],
    "orders": [...]

Addresses and Geocoding

Some entities like orders and couriers contain addresses which consist of descriptive properties street, number, postalcode and city and geo coordinates locationLat and locationLon. Only descriptive parts or the geo coordinates needs to be complete. Other information will be completed by geocoding or reverse geocoding automatically according to the configured geocoding-provider-hierarchy.

No geocoding or reverse geocoding will be made, if the descriptive properties and geo coordinates are provided.

Address Fields

Field Type Description
name String Name of recipient/sender
street String Street without house number
number String House number
postalcode Integer Postalcode
city String City
locationLat Number Latitude
locationLon Number Longitude

Examples of Valid Addresses:

Since all properties are provided, no geocoding or reverse geocoding will be made for this address:

        "name": "XTL",
        "street": "Fahrenheitstraße",
        "number": "1",
        "postalcode": 28359,
        "city": "Bremen",
        "locationLat": 53.10837,
        "locationLon": 8.848045

The following address will be geocoded to complete the geo coordinates

        "name": "XTL",
        "street": "Fahrenheitstraße",
        "number": "1",
        "postalcode": 28359,
        "city": "Bremen"

The descriptive parts of the following address will be completed by reverse geocoding:

        "name": "XTL",
        "locationLat": 53.10837,
        "locationLon": 8.848045

Examples of Invalid Addresses:

Incomplete descriptive parts (street missing):

        "name": "XTL",
        "number": "1",
        "postalcode": 28359,
        "city": "Bremen"

Mixed descriptive parts and geo coordinates, but both incomplete:

        "name": "XTL",
        "locationLat": 53.10837,
        "city": "Bremen"


All dates in the request body need to be specified as IETF-compliant RFC 2822 time stamp e.g. 2016-01-15T17:45:00.000Z or milliseconds since 1. January 1970 00:00:00 UTC.

Returned dates (e.g. in plans and stops) are always specified as IETF-compliant RFC 2822 time stamp in UTC.

Couriers and Vehicles

One or more couriers with their vehicle are required to create route plans. Each courier object contains a vehicle which is used by the courier.

Mandatory Courier Fields

Couriers always need a working time window, a vehicle and a start address:

Field Type Description
workingTimeFrom String/Date Courier working time start
workingTimeUntil String/Date Courier working time end
startAddress Address Courier/Vehicle start address
vehicle Vehicle Vehicle object - see below

Optional Courier Fields

Field Type Description Default value
endAddress Address Courier/Vehicle end address at which the vehicle must finish its tour (e.g a depot). null
tourDescription String Tour description. Can be used to identify a specific courier/plan <Empty string>
firstName String Courier first name. Can be used to identify a specific courier/plan <Empty string>
lastName String Courier last name. Can be used to identify a specific courier/plan <Empty string>
skills String[] List of skills. Courier can serve orders with matching skills []
costPerHour Number Cost per hour 12.50 €
serviceTimeFunction String/ENUM Service time function for this courier. Only preconfigured Values can be used DEFAULT
breakNeededAfterMinutes Integer Setting driving and rest periods. After how many minutes of driving time must a break be taken? 0 (no break needed)
breakDurationMinutes Integer How many minutes does a break last? 0 (no break needed)

Mandatory Vehicle Fields

The type defines the infrastructure the vhicle is driving on as well as the driving times on the infrastructure.

Field Type Description
type String/ENUM Allowed values: "CAR", "TRUCK", "BIKE"

Optional Vehicle Fields

Field Type Description Default value
capacity Integer Vehicle capacity 0 (unlimited)
maxNoOfStoringPlaces Number Available storing places in the vehicle 0 (unlimited)
costPerKM Number Cost per kilometer in Euro 0.20 €
costPerDay Number Cost per day in Euro 20.00 €
size Object Size of vehicle. Object with properties width, height, length (Number) { "width": 0, "height": 0, "length": 0 } (unlimited)
licensePlate String Vehicle license plate. Can be used to identify a specific vehicle <Empty string>

Minimal courier/vehicle with start and end address

    "workingTimeFrom": "2018-01-01T09:00:00.000Z",
    "workingTimeUntil": "2018-01-01T17:00:00.000Z",
    "startAddress": {
        "street": "Fahrenheitstraße",
        "number": "1",
        "postalcode": 28359,
        "city": "Bremen",
        "locationLat": 53.10837,
        "locationLon": 8.848045,
        "name": "XTL"
    "endAddress": {
        "street": "Fahrenheitstraße",
        "number": "1",
        "postalcode": 28359,
        "city": "Bremen",
        "locationLat": 53.10837,
        "locationLon": 8.848045,
        "name": "XTL"
    "vehicle": {
        "type": "CAR"


Mandatory Order Fields

Field Type Description
pickupTimeFrom String/Date Earliest pickup time
pickupTimeUntil String/Date Latest pickup time
pickupAddress Address Pickup address
deliveryTimeFrom String/Date Earliest delivery time
deliveryTimeUntil String/Date Latest delivery time
deliveryAddress Address Delivery address

You can leave out all pickup related fields for delivery only orders.

Minimal Order with Pickup and Delivery

    "pickupTimeFrom": "2018-01-01T10:00:00.000Z",
    "pickupTimeUntil": "2018-01-01T16:00:00.000Z",
    "deliveryTimeFrom": "2018-01-01T10:00:00.000Z",
    "deliveryTimeUntil": "2018-01-01T16:00:00.000Z",
    "pickupAddress": {
        "street": "Fahrenheitstraße",
        "number": "1",
        "postalcode": 28359,
        "city": "Bremen",
        "locationLat": 53.10837,
        "locationLon": 8.848045,
        "name": "XTL"
    "deliveryAddress": {
        "street": "Wiener Straße",
        "number": "13",
        "postalcode": 28359,
        "city": "Bremen",
        "locationLat": 53.110527,
        "locationLon": 8.848950,
        "name": "Max Mustermann"

Minimal Delivery-Only Order (Service Stop)

    "deliveryTimeFrom": "2018-01-01T10:00:00.000Z",
    "deliveryTimeUntil": "2018-01-01T16:00:00.000Z",
    "deliveryAddress": {
        "street": "Wiener Straße",
        "number": "13",
        "postalcode": 28359,
        "city": "Bremen",
        "locationLat": 53.110527,
        "locationLon": 8.848950,
        "name": "Max Mustermann"

Optional Order Fields

Field Type Description Default value
name String Descriptive order name <Empty string>
priority Boolean Should this order be processed with priority? false
skills String[] List of skills. Only couriers with corresponding skills can transport this order. []
pickupHandlingTime Number Order specific handling time on pickup in seconds which is added to the general servcie time (servcie-time-function as well as location based service time) 0
pickupSoftTimeWindow Number Pickup soft time window in seconds. The soft-time window is only used if orders cannot be served within the general time window 0
deliveryHandlingTime Number Order specific handling time on delivery in seconds which is added to the general servcie time (servcie-time-function as well as location based service time) 0
deliverySoftTimeWindow Number Delivery soft time window in seconds. The soft-time window is only used if orders cannot be served within the general time window 0
note String Note <Empty string>
packingUnits PackingUnit[] List of packing units See below

Packing Unit

Packing units represent the transported goods or colli.


Field Type Description
type String Packing unit type
length Integer Packing unit length
width Integer Packing unit width
height Integer Packing unit height
amount Integer How many packages/goods do belong to this packing unit?
weight Integer Packing unit weight
noOfStoringPlaces Number How many storing places does the packing unit require? Will be weighed against the available storing places of the vehicle
trackingId String Optional id to track this packing unit

Note: We recommend using base units like kilogram and centimeter for the packing unit properties weight, length, width and height, although other units can be used as long as the unit matches the units used in vehicles.

Default Packing Units:

        "type": "NORMAL_PACKAGE",
        "length": 0,
        "height": 0,
        "width": 0,
        "amount": 0,
        "weight": 0,
        "noOfStoringPlaces": 0,
        "trackingId": "",


Field Type Description
scenario Object Should be ignored for static route planning
plans Plan[] List of Plans. One route plan for each courier
orders Object Object with unserved and unservable orders
orders.unserved Order[] Unserved orders. See below for a detailed description
orders.unservable Order[] Unservable orders. See below for a detailed description


Each plan represents one courier/vehicle and their tour. The plan contains stops in chronological order, which in turn contain orders that have to be picked up or delivered.

Field Type Description
workingTime Number Courier working time in hours
drivingTime Number Courier driving time (time on the road) in hours
distance Number Distance of the route in kilometer
cost Number Tour cost. Calculated from courier costPerHour and vehicle costPerKm and costPerDay
warnings Warning[] Plan warnings are not relevant in static planning
courier Courier The courier to whom the plan belongs to
dailyMetaData DailyMetaData[] Attributes workingTime, drivingTime, distance and cost divided by days. Useful for multi day plans
stops Stop[] List of stops in chronological order


Field Type Description
kind String/ENUM Stop type. Possible values: PICKUP, DELIVERY, BREAK, DEPOT, END
address Address Stop address
eta String/Date Estimated time of arrival
etd String/Date Estimated time of departure
earliestArrivalTime String/Date Earliest arrival time according to the orders at this stop
latestArrivalTime String/Date Latest arrival time according to the orders at this stop
handlingTime Integer Calculated handling time for this stop
warnings Stop warnings are not relevant in static planning
pickupOrders Order[] Orders which must be picked up at this stop. Only filled with kind=PICKUP
deliveryOrders Order[] Orders which must be delivered at this stop. Only filled with kind=DELIVERY and kind=DEPOT

Stops of kind END or BREAK do not contain any orders.

Unserved Orders

The list of unserved orders contains orders that could not be assigned to any courier during the calculation but do not violate any hard constraints. If other orders would be removed, unserved orders could be transported.

Unservable Orders

The list of unservable orders contains orders that could not be assigned to a courier during the calculation due to constraint violations. Thus, they cannot be transported even if other orders would be removed. Each unservable order contains information about the constraint violation in the unservabilityReason attribute.


The distinction between TSP, PDP and VRP is made implicitly by the data you provide (orders and couriers/vehicles).


All orders should have the same pickupAddress to calculate a TSP. The following command can be used to calculate a TSP with orders and couriers from this tsp.json

curl -X POST \
  -H "X-Api-Key: 0123456789ABCDEF" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --data @tsp.json \


Use different pickupAddress for orders to calculate a PDP. The following command can be used to calculate a PDP with orders and couriers from this pdp.json

curl -X POST \
  -H "X-Api-Key: 0123456789ABCDEF" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --data @pdp.json \


Add multiple couriers/vehicles to the request to calculate a VRP. The following command can be used to calculate a VRP with orders and couriers from this vrp.json:

curl -X POST \
  -H "X-Api-Key: 0123456789ABCDEF" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --data @vrp.json \